Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Relationship of Oneness

This bit is by Joel Goldsmith and is all I needed to hear today.
Happy first of Christmas.

Several years ago in a period of distress, it came to me that I must love those who hate me, I must give love for ingratitude; and my answer was, “Father, I just can't do it. I don't know how to do it. Yes, I can be a hypocrite and say I love these people who are hating, judging, condemning and fighting me; but I can tell you truthfully that I don't – I don't know how to love them. It is true that I have no antagonism towards them because I know what motivates them and I do not blame them. If I did not have a little understanding of Your infinite Love I might do the same thing in their position; so I have no sense of judgment, criticism or condemnation of them. I can even say, ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do’ – but to love them! No, I cannot honestly say that I love them… I just cannot do that. If there is to be any loving, I am perfectly willing to be the avenue through which You, God, can love them through me. If that can be arranged, let's have it that way; but don't ask me to love them because that is beyond my capacity.”

It was less than a minute after that that I settled down into a beautiful peace, went to sleep, and awakened completely healed. It is impossible to love ingratitude, injustice, misrepresentation and lies, but we can be willing to let God take over: “God, You who could love the thief on the cross and the woman taken in adultery. You love these people too.”

What was required for the demonstration that I had to make? Was it not the ability to "nothingize" myself, even to the extent of not trying to be self-righteous about loving my enemy? When you say that you are loving your enemy, that is self-righteousness. We have to learn to let God do the loving and be willing to be an instrument through which God's love flows to our friends and our enemies.

In the world there are good people and bad people, just and unjust people, but when you climb up into that circle of God, you find that God is the Principle of all people; God is the only Principle of people, the animating Love and Life and Truth of all people – those in your business, in your social relationships, and in your home.

Your home is a composite of your consciousness of home. You are the doorkeeper of your household, and you should stand guard at the door and see that nothing gets past that door which does not have a right to be there. This door, however, is not a material door. The only door there is, is the door of consciousness, and the only door for which you are responsible is that door. What do you allow to get past that door, your consciousness? Do you accept contagion and infection as power in your home? Are you a party to discord and bickering? You should make it a matter of daily realization that nothing should enter the doorway of consciousness except the Truth of BEING, and that no suggestion of human power, whether physical, material or mental, is law. Any belief that enters your home must first enter through your consciousness, and the truth of BEING in your consciousness will act as a law of annihilation to any false belief that would intrude.

Everything that comes within range of your consciousness will take on the nature and character of that consciousness. Your own life is not only affected by what gets past the door of your consciousness, but the life of everyone who has brought himself to your consciousness is affected, and that includes the members of your family and sometimes the members of your community and your church. All these look to you for bread; they look to you for the Truth of BEING, but oftentimes your mind is so occupied with concern over your own discords and inharmonies that they are turned away without the divine substance which they sought from you.

Deep within every person is a hunger for the bread of life. Friends, relatives, and even acquaintances who find their way to your home ostensibly seeking companionship, supply or any form of material good, even though from their point of view that may be their purpose, are in reality longing and craving for the true Substance of Life, the meat which perisheth not. If you give them money and give them that alone; if you give them your physical human companionship and give them that alone; you are giving them a stone. You are not giving them the bread of life; you are not lifting their state of consciousness. This you can only do in the degree that you are specifically entertaining the consciousness of Truth within your being as they come to you:

"God is the substance and the activity of my home; God is the consciousness of every individual who enters my home, whether it is family or friends, Nothing enters my home to contaminate or violate its sanctity, because God is my only home. As long as my home appears on earth as a material structure it will express the harmony of God. Those in that home will either reflect that harmony or they will be removed because nothing unlike God can remain in my home, my temple, my being, my body. Anything of a discordant nature that would enter, or might temporarily be permitted to enter, will be removed in its time and in such a way that it will injure no-one, but be a blessing to everyone involved.
Since God is my consciousness, nothing can enter that consciousness that defileth or maketh a lie and even if I in my ignorance or human softness permit something to enter which has no place there, it will not long remain. The consciousness of Truth and Light which I am will heal it or remove it. I am willing that everybody and everything that enters my consciousness shall be either healed or removed. I dare not cling to anyone and say, "With all your faults I still need you and want you". I take my stand with God and, if necessary, leave father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife in order to dwell in the secret place of the most High."

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