Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Shelley's Story: Miracles DO happen!

I have a story to tell you that I know will be hard to believe in parts, but it has happened to me, and I cannot erase or deny any of it (though at times I wish I could). I am a "normal" woman who grew up in simple yet chaotic times. I am much like you in most every way. I always thought I would be the last one to have a miracle occur in her life, much less two miracles, and all that has happened since. Therefore the tale I tell could be of your life, and not mine. But seeing it is mine I guess I was meant to tell it.

What I want to establish first, is the fact that miracles do happen and they happen to people like you and me. What we need to make these miracles happen is to open ourselves to the communication that is all around us every day. Communication not from this world but from the world of our creator, the cosmos and the universe. The message comes from a distance, but you find it by going inside and believing. We can all create miracles within our lives, and that is one of the main points in writing this for you. I have no special tricks. Simply open yourself to the possibility that what I tell you is possible and that it is available to every person.

I will refer to God in many ways throughout this story. This is strange for me to refer to God in any sense, as I believed he had abandoned me a very long time ago. But I will refer to a prime creator of the cosmos and the universe, along with this earth that we live on every day. I call God the Prime Creator, because I want all those to understand that this story is completely unbiased and unprejudiced to any affiliation with any religion, and the God of my understanding is not only an earthly God, but a universal God. I will also refer to God as mother earth, Gaia, which I came to learn through this journey is the female piece of God. As in everything that is in our universe, you must balance darkness with light, peace with war, and recognize the two faces of God, the female and the male. We are all pieces of this Prime Creator. We are a part of God.

Two miracles happened in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. My son and I drowned in a flooded marsh and not only lived to tell the tale, but we are better than ever. I was "dead" for fifteen minutes. I was told by beings of light how to save myself, and my small son. And I was given a message on how to heal the Earth.

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