Sunday, February 17, 2008

Little Speck

Michael just send this to me and I'd like to share it:

"Radical truth means you've got to take the mask off everything and be willing to see it for what it is, and now handle it from the viewpoint of emotional honesty. There is a big massive payoff in ego positions or you wouldn't be sitting here in a body today. The fact that one is back here in a body again means that one has sold out spiritual truth for the gratifications of the ego over and over again.

But in this lifetime it's coming up to be questioned. Is the experience of the Presence of God worth sacrificing all that you get out of your ego? The answer can only be arrived at via faith. Experientially no; nothing in your experience tells you that giving up the pleasure of resentments and hatreds and the satisfactions of winning is worth it. It takes the teachings of a great teacher who has been through it to tell you that the experience of God is beyond all description, beyond all the pleasure and values and aquisitions emotionally and materially, which are like a speck compared to the Presence of God. Therefore you have to sacrifice the familiar."
From the Dr. David Hawkins Lecture of February 2002 lecture

Just today, especially today. Give up the familiar. Question every value here.
There is nothing to fear.

I love that it always seems only a leap of faith. There is no way I could get it right here and I am constantly missing it. ( See image )My good intention never helped me.
I am saved by pure grace. Thats basically it.-I think:) ha-ha.
Oh: "There is nothing to fear."

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